pausE & BREATHe

mind & body studio. LET’S evolve!

Our mission is to build a community through yoga & pilates. mind & body Studio offers a beautiful space to move, breath, and pause. We embrace diversity and body-positivity: our aim to accomodate as many bodies as possible.

Your place to to rest, replenish, strengthen & grow


Your place to to rest, replenish, strengthen & grow **

““Yoga takes you into the present moment. The only place where life exists.“”
— Patanjali

we are a family run studio with

years of experience in the

fitness & welness industry.

yoga studio with mats layed out



meet the founder

Meet lauren, one half of the business along with her husband, they wanted to create a space that welcomes the community and offers great classes for all ABILITIES. Lauren’s passion for yoga began many years back in a small COMMUNITY hall with her mother in-law. if felt good to move and breath in a way that was not related to a gym setting, over the years she DEEPENED her regular practice and UNDERSTANDING of yoga and its roots and when qualified knew she wanted to share with as many people as possible. the studio offers the OPPORTUNITY to apply this passion and welcome everyone to enjoy yoga as she does. it has been the backbone of STRENGTH through many of lifes challenges. She found pilates during her 3rd pregnancy and enjoyed it for its STRENGTH and balance - it is the perfect coupling to a yoga practice, along with many other sports and hobbies both DISCIPLINES will compliment and support your daily life and help you to maintain a strong functional, physical body for as long as possible, whilst at the same time exploring the need to pause, breath and rest. lauren looks forward to welcoming you the studio with a warm smile.

yoga - pilates - reformer

yoga - pilates - reformer

improve balance & stability, reduce stress, build strength & stamina one class at a time.